CDC Study: Vaginal births are much safer for first timers and VBAC births

U.S. Report on Maternal Morbidity for Vaginal & Cesarean Delivery by Henci Goer and the CDC

A "must read," the CDC has published an analysis of severe maternal morbidity (transfusion, ruptured uterus, unplanned hysterectomy, Intensive Care Unit admission) in U.S. women according to mode of delivery and previous cesarean history. As the bar graphs from the report make clear, the glaringly obvious take-home is that clinicians should strive for vaginal birth whenever safely possible, whether that be a first vaginal birth or a VBAC.  


Maternal morbidity for women with no previous cesarean delivery, by method of delivery and trial of labor: 41-state and District of Columbia reporting area, 2013 

Maternal morbidity for women with no previous cesarean delivery, by method of delivery and trial of labor: 41-state and District of Columbia reporting area, 2013 

Maternal morbidity for women with a previous cesarean delivery, by method of delivery and trial of labor: 41-state and District of Columbia reporting area, 2013 

Maternal morbidity for women with a previous cesarean delivery, by method of delivery and trial of labor: 41-state and District of Columbia reporting area, 2013